Immortal Episode

The Reason Why He Called Officials

A few days after the greatest national February holiday was over, officials were called by the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

What surprised them was that Kim Jong Il was far away from the capital city.

So our General greeted his birthday there?

Welcoming them, Kim Jong Il said that they must have made a long journey.

Then he said that he wanted to see them there to have a talk as they must have been sorry for he was on an on-site guidance tour without celebrating his birthday.

In fact, the Korean people and service personnel wanted to celebrate his birthday, February 16, on a large scale.

Kim Jong Il, who had permitted nothing if it was for him, did not approve any national celebration events on his birthday that year, too, so that the people could enjoy themselves to the full that day. He then left for on-spot guidance.

Everybody celebrates his or her birthday with his or her family members or friends.

However, Kim Jong Il set out on the road of devotion for the country and the people while the people were enjoying the holiday.

The officials wondered if there would be such a leader elsewhere in the world.

This happened in February Juche 91 (2002), the year when Kim Jong Il greeted his 60th birth anniversary.


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